Robert Blazejak, has just presented a very attractive power catamaran design whose name is evocative: the Code Breaker. The idea is to show other directions to be followed in nautical design. And the least we can say is that the Code Breaker is really innovative, but also very successful. This power catamaran opens up some nice prospects.
This power cat design is impressively innovative and freakin awesome! Thinking outside of the box, Robert Blazejak a multihull designer is highly experienced in designing high end power catamarans. He designed masterpiece of innovation, based on a catamaran hull he combines comfort, space and speed in a mix never equalized before named codebreaker.
Code Breaker: the perfect power cat tender: A new design for a power cat runabout aims at creating a market for multihull tenders…
Code Breaker, le tender catamaran transformable Le designer Robert Blazejak — ancien designer en chef chez Sunreef — à qui l'on doit d'ailleurs le 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran, a travaillé sur un concept de tender catamaran. Il n'existe pas vraiment de tenders catamaran sur le marché, sans doute en raison de leur largeur plus importante qu'un monocoque et qui nécessite donc un plus grand espace de garage dans un yacht. Pourtant, la structure multicoque apporte de nombreux avantages comme la stabilité, un tirant d'eau plutôt réduit, une grande surface de pont…Le spécialiste du multicoque polonais est désormais indépendant et a développé un concept de catamaran de 40 pieds baptisé CodeBreaker – "casseur de codes" en français. L'idée est de proposer un tender rivalisant avec un monocoque plutôt qu'avec des multicoques.
Because 4 decks are better than 1 If you plan on getting supremely rich any time soon, here’s a catamaran to keep your eye out for. Designed by Robert Blazejak owner of BLAZEJAK YACHT DESIGN (with that sort of surname, you just know he’s the perfect guy to design anythign automotive!), the Codebreaker Catamaran has no shortage of decks. It’s incredibly transformative too, with expanding floors and opening roofs. Plus there’s a ‘bonus glass floor’ included in the design. How cool is that?!